Black & Blonde » Fashion Wed, 16 Jan 2013 10:02:51 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Your Daily Worth Mon, 14 Jan 2013 10:00:00 +0000 Lindsay Despite what the title may suggest, this is not a self-help post. Daily Worth is a source for women to learn more about becoming more fiscally responsible. It’s compromised of a daily newsletter and community-driven forums with great tips from both industry professionals and real women dealing with common issues, like personal debt or saving for a home.  This past week, they sent out the email blast, “Love Getting Dressed,” and it really caught my attention.  For the past few months, I haven’t enjoyed fashion like I normally do.  Because of a weight gain (unfortunately due to a change in medicine) and a strict budget, my closet is not looking the way I’d like it to.  After reading this email though, it completely opened my eyes.  Below I’ve copied the entire script and have inserted my comments in italics.  I hope you enjoy as much as I did.

The answer is not a credit-bending shopping spree. More definitely does not mean better. What you want is a wardrobe that is user-friendly and projects the image you want the world to see. Follow our four-step process for building a collection you love. This is spot on. It’s about buying better and not settling. Only buy things you love!

Begin by gathering inspiration. Browse Pinterest and street-style blogs, rip pages from magazines. Pull any photographs that appeal to you, regardless of how much the clothes cost. This is such a win comment. Instead of shopping blindly, try having a focus for what you’re looking to add to your closet.

Review your materials, noting at least one thing you like in each shot. (A shade of red, that English country feel.) Scan for themes. Maybe you clipped a lot of rich-lady neutrals—or bohemian brights. Do you see experimental lines or classic cuts? Note any items that make repeat appearances, whether they’re ballet flats or leather leggings. The analyzing is key. When I did my board, I realized that I like clean lines, a touch of sensual appeal, and understated luxury. While this may be a big duh for my readers, it doesn’t always register with what I buy. I tend to gravitate toward more statement pieces and something with a shock value.

Make a list of what you’d need to create the core looks you love. We’re talking a half-dozen items, not J. Crew’s spring collection. Maybe it’s a gray pencil skirt, a couple of bright sweaters and oversized sunglasses. A gamine blazer to mix with cropped pants and a leather satchel. Choose a limited color palette so you can always grab and go. As a side note, I always make sure to keep a notebook near by when getting dressed.  If I don’t have something in my closet that I think would make a good outfit, I write it down.

Start investing in perfection. Make a budget and shop your list over time, buying the best quality you can afford. You’ll be surprised at how much you can save by focusing on what you need. I couldn’t agree with this more. You know when you put on that outfit that you love, that makes you feel like yourself? That’s what you should feel like every day. Instead of settling on $25 H&M dress that you’ll tire of, why not save up and buy that  DVF wrap dress that makes you feel like a million bucks?

What are your tips for building the perfect closet?

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What Happens To Your Clothes? Thu, 10 Jan 2013 10:00:00 +0000 Lindsay I thought I’d be talking about product development this week, but after a good question from Kim (from A Very Sweet Blog), I’ve shifted my focus.  She asked what happens to clothes that the outlets can’t sell them. It’s a great question and one I wasn’t entirely sure how to answer. After some research, I think I have some answers. While I couldn’t find the particulars of what happens to outlet clothes, but I did find out quite a bit about unwanted clothing in general. Considering the fact that we get rid of 2 billion pounds of clothing per year, I think this is a much bigger issue to discuss (Source).



Discard: In the most disturbing of actions, clothes are thrown away and/or destroyed.  The clothes end up in landfills, either as whole garments or shreds. In most recently came to light in the past few years when H&M and Walmart were called out for their wasteful process (Source).  Despite the backlash, many retailers continue to ruin their unsold garments. Why? Most don’t want to taint their brand image with their collections floating around off-price stores, like TJ Maxx or Marshall’s.

Donate: A more favorable option for unwanted clothing is for retailers to donate it. This could be to Goodwill, Salvation Army, or other non-profit organizations. This means that quality clothing could be used and still sold at a profit for a good cause. The donations are also tax-deductible. Again, the reason most retailers choose not to go down this road is because they don’t want their image ruined.



Sell: A practice not everyone knows about is to sell clothing to third-world countries.  You may have heard the joke about seeing third-world children wearing last year’s Superbowl loser’s shirts. And for the most part, it is true. This is the best piece I found that centrals on the trade in West Africa. This is a popular practice for charity shops when they need to clear out merchandise to make more room. Trans-America, is an organization that recycles damaged clothes and sells them to developing countries. It’s considered a win-win because the clothes are being sold and they are being used.

Recycle: As the green movement continues to evolve, recycling is becoming more prominent in the conversation of unwanted clothing. There are a few different options for recycling.  Some companies shred the clothes and re-use the material for new garments. Some, like Trans-America, shred damaged clothing to use them for rags. And some, like TerraCycle, use discarded clothes to make new items entirely.

I think the bigger conversation we should be having is why we have so much clothing. Clothing should not be disposable. Even donating your clothes to charity should be considered. Only 15-20% of these clothes are ever purchased (Source). It’s truly astounding. It really makes me think about what I purchase and what it’s lifecycle will be, even beyond my use.


Daily Finance

Effortless Anthropologie

Better Place Lab


Did you know these practices existed?



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Wearing Bridal Fashion After The Wedding Mon, 07 Jan 2013 10:00:00 +0000 Lindsay While I was preparing from my wedding, BHLDN was my go to for inspiration. It never ceased to amaze me how beautiful everything was. Then when the wedding was over, I still daydreamed about all of the pretty, shiny, and feathery pieces. I figure why save all of these things for just one day? I think bridal fashions can be worn anytime, especially if you’re going for a very feminine appeal.  Here are my ideas on how to incorporate bridal pieces into your everyday wardrobe.

1. The bridal headpiece: I choose this Olive Branch Headband because it definitely can go with a multitude of looks! Treat it like a regular headband, but with some more jazz. For a casual look, try an oversized sweater (Gemma Boxy Jumper shown) to tone down your fancy headwear. For a dressed up look, try the ever flattering but simple wrap dress (Cara Drape Dress shown). The headband is probably the easiest piece to transition from wedding world to everyday.


2. The bridal shoes: These Lambent Knot Heels are the closest style to my shoes and I love how classic they are. To continue to wear them (which I totally advise because who wouldn’t want to wear fancy shoes!?), I would recommend pairing with dark jeans and a classic white button-down shirt (The Essential Shirt shown). And because they are a statement shoe, why not dress them up with a simple maxi (Rosie Maxi Dress shown)? I think the key to wearing bridal shoes outside of a wedding is to keep them away from a typical soft, feminine look. Stick with classic staples, clean lines, and darker colors.


3. The bridal jewelry: Bridal jewelry is the best. It’s meant to be sparkly, romantic, and just plain lovely. I chose the Queen Consort Collar to feature because it’s more of a unique necklace, something a little different than most brides go for, and definitely a good fit for everyday use. For a casual look, you can pair a bridal statement necklace with a simple tunic or shirt dress (Iris Jumper Dress shown). I also like to use bold bridal jewelry with workwear (Natalia Dress shown). It’s a nice way to brighten up a tailored piece and add something unexpected.

Have you checked out the BHLDN collection lately?

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The Story Behind the Price Thu, 03 Jan 2013 10:00:00 +0000 Lindsay As a buyer and a fashion merchandising graduate, I thought I would share some insight with you. Right now, I’m sure you’re just as tempted as I am with all of these mega sales. You might be wondering how stores can afford to discount so much. Well, I’m here to explain!

Sales floors are the last stop in the retail chain (before customers). The thing to remember is that everyone gets a piece of the pie. I’ve created a super basic chart to explain.


So at this point, you can see that the fabric is sold to a manufacturer. The item is produced and sold to a wholesaler or distributor. From that point, it goes to a retailer and then to you! Obviously this hikes up the price substantially when everyone is trying to get paid. I didn’t even mention the designers , marketing, labor, and transportation at all, which definitely adds up! That’s why some companies go directly to product development (which I’ll discuss next week) to cut out all the middlemen.

So how do the retailers make a profit? Well, the items you buy are generally marked up 50% or more. Specialty stores, like lingerie or gift shops, have a 60% markup. Fashion or trendy stores, like Forever 21, have at least a 70% markup (because you know it’s going to be marked back down at the end of the season).  That means the neon belt that cost you $20 really probably only cost $5 or 6 to produce. This article about jeans pricing  is wonderful in understanding structure (visual below).


Why it may be frustrating to think that the products you love being made for half of what they cost you, that’s the nature of the beast. It’s retail and everyone is just trying to make a profit.

What else are you interested to learn about retail?



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A Giving Christmas Tue, 25 Dec 2012 10:00:00 +0000 Lindsay Each year as the holidays approach, I stop to think about how blessed and fortunate I truly am. I never want to take what I have for granted because I know that others around the world are in much more difficult positions.  When I was invited to the St. Jude’s & Brooks Brothers holiday party, I knew I wanted to be a part of it. As an opportunity for fun and fundraising, it was the ultimate event of the season. What I loved most was that it was a family affair. There were stations for ornament decorations, icing cookies, and holiday card coloring. You could even get a balloon animal if you wanted! And on all three floors were little ones running around, smiling, eating sugary goodness, and just enjoying life.

As someone that works for a cancer hospital, I have a soft spot for cancer awareness, especially in pediatrics. No child or parent should ever have to go through cancer, but luckily, that’s why St. Jude’s exists. They never turn down a patient and most of the time, patients don’t have to pay for treatment. I also applaud organizations, like Brooks Brothers, for partnering with St. Jude’s to make life a little bit easier on these families dealing with a stressful, tramuatic, and life-changing disease. While normal day-to-day life is hard, the holidays can be even more bittersweet.









While I couldn’t stay for the entire event, I knew I wanted to stay for the Motown performance. The entire cast was present and graced us with some lovely, soulful Christmas tunes. I was front row, got an amazing view, and even had goosebumps from the amazing voices! Catch a sneak peek below!


Brandon Victor Dixon and Valisia LeKae of Motown

As you celebrate Christmas today, take a moment to realize what you have. Take a moment to keep those less fortunate in your thoughts. And if you feel so inclined, you may donate to St. Jude’s here.

Merry Christmas all!


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Pixie Mood Review Mon, 24 Dec 2012 10:00:00 +0000 Lindsay
I have long been a purse person. It’s my one true weakness, even more so than shoes or jewelry. I love a good bag. So when Pixie Mood thought I could do the Glam Bag justice, I couldn’t say no! This actually is my first sequin bag, so it’s quite the cause for celebration! I wanted to pair it with something neutral to let it shine, literally!
I love this bag for a few reasons. It sparkles. It can be worn as a shoulder bag or a handbag, which is a strict requirement for me. t’s vegan and cruelty-free! It can be worn in the box shape or as a rounded tote by adjusting an inside snap. It’s super lightweight! I’ve found it’s also very versatile so that I can dress it up for night or just wear it with my pj’s, as seen below. (Yes, my “dress” is actually a nightgown from Uniqlo, but don’t tell anyone!)
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Pixie Mood was nice enough to answer a few of my questions about their brand as well.

1. I realize you are a cruelty-free brand. Why did you decide you want to take this step in your business?

Our love for animals is the main reason for us to make this a cruelty-free brand.  We also find it hard to come by products that are cruelty-free, fashionable and fun at the same time.  So we believe our brand will fill this gap existing in the market.

2. Pixie Mood seems like it’s all about fun and playfulness. What else should we know about your mission for the products?

Our mission is to bring fun and unique products to the market at an affordable price.  One of Pixie Mood’s goals is to launch an Eco-friendly line in the near future.

3. Your accessories are very colorful and whimsical. Where do you find the inspiration?

Pixie Mood products are inspired by all sorts of things that are around us everyday – it could be a book cover that we come across, or a wallpaper, even the sceneries that we pass by on our way to work.  That is why we like to carry a notepad and a pen with us everywhere we go, so we could jot down all the ideas that could pop up at the most unexpected places.

4. What other brands would you recommend for cruelty-free products (ie-makeup, shoes, etc)?

We would recommend Lillian Skin Care which is a vegan company with a great line of skin care products.

A big thank you goes out to Pixie Mood again for being an innovative brand with great ethics! Keep up the good work!

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Bassbuds Review Fri, 21 Dec 2012 10:00:00 +0000 Lindsay Something I don’t talk about enough on Black + Blonde is my love for music. My mom always played Fleetwood Mac on repeat and my dad was more of a country guy. And then I had my own taste. When I was young, it was all about Robert Palmers “Addicted to Love” and other pop music. My first concert (at age 5, mind you) was Paula Abdul. As I grew older, I ventured into more female vocalists like Jewel, Alanis Morisette, and Lisa Loeb. Didn’t we all listen to them in our teen years?


When I was approached to review the Bassbuds headphones, I jumped at the chance.  It was fashion meets function. They are good quality and great at noise cancellation. They also come with a speaker for smart phones, which is perfect for when I’m running around the city and need to go hands free. I also need to mention that I haven’t experienced any fraying, unlike other headphones I’ve used. And the best part about using these? I feel like they make a statement, without being over the top. They are the platinum edition, after all! And for those of you that like color, they come in a rainbow of colors!

So what do I listen to now? I guess it depends on the day. Sometimes I’m feeling mellow and listen to Lupe Fiasco, Jewel, or Tanya Stephenson. Sometimes I feel nostalgic and listen to Janet Jackson, Shania Twain, Destiny’s Child, or Ben Folds Five. Sometimes I want to contemplate and think, so I listen to Little Brother, Mickey Factz, or Consequence. And sometimes I just want to dance, which means Rihanna or Frank Ocean.

What do you listen to?


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Alice + Olivia Pre-Fall 2013 Fri, 21 Dec 2012 10:00:00 +0000 Lindsay As you know, I love me some Alice + Olivia. I wanted to share with you their pre-fall 2013 collection so you could get a good dose of fashion before NYFW comes soon enough. Of course there is the expected fun and playfulness, but I also love how the collection continues to grow and become more of a cohesive brand. Not only does Alice + Olivia offer clothes, but now they have an entire line of accessories as well. I mean, you really need to go look at the hats and belts! And don’t even get me started on their show stopping shoes!

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I particularly love the use of black in this collection. It’s very textural and reminds me of the street style. It’s more eclectic and less polished that previous seasons and I like that a lot. The statement red definitely hits a high note for me and the final all red look couldn’t get any better. What else is there to say? The line is very wearable, gritty, raw, edge, but with just enough feminine aspects that it maintains the Alice + Olivia charm. And I don’t know about you, but I’m really digging those black wide leg pants!

What do you think of the new Alice + Olivia?



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Dressing Up Your Basics: Sweater Edition Wed, 19 Dec 2012 10:00:00 +0000 Lindsay

As you know, I normally don’t do outfit posts. However, I was inspired to show you how I dress on a daily basis after I started reading  ”How To Look Expensive”. Because I’m on a budget, I like to get good mileage out of my clothing. I’ve also learned to invest in quality basics because they will get you everywhere. Since the holidays are approaching, I thought it would be fun to show you how I use my basics for special occasions. Whether you have company parties or family dinners, there is no need to go out and buy a new ensemble (something I have regrettably done in the past). Without further adieu, I present to you my dressing up your basics series, part three!

My sweater is from Uniqlo, the merino wool tunic (only linen version available currently). I like it because it’s soft, extremely lightweight, and doesn’t have to be drycleaned. The tunic version is also very helpful if you’re having an off day and just want to be comfortable.

My first look is the statement scarf. Paired with clean black trousers and a simple sweater, adding a statement scarf is like adding paint to a blank canvas. It really gives your accessory(ies) the chance to shine. I wanted to showcase a darker, baroque look with my ruffian-style scarf, but you can wear a fun, colorful style for a different look.



My second look is the dark cheerleader. Adding a high-waisted pleated cheer to a sweater makes the cheer comparison too easy, but a leather perforated skirt kind of changes things. Mixed with over-the-top jewels, you can give off more of a sophisticated, rather than juvenile, vibe.



My third look is the eclectic. A sweater, especially a tunic, is perfect for layering over a dress to add some contrast in color and texture. I added a coordinating belt and earrings to give more dimension and to change the silhouette. I love this sort of layering when the top half of the dress isn’t as flattering as you’d like or if you just really want to incorporate the dress between seasons.



What’s your favorite way to dress up your sweater?

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Dressing Up Your Basics: Jeans Edition Tue, 18 Dec 2012 10:00:00 +0000 Lindsay As you know, I normally don’t do outfit posts. However, I was inspired to show you how I dress on a daily basis after I started reading  ”How To Look Expensive”. Because I’m on a budget, I like to get good mileage out of my clothing. I’ve also learned to invest in quality basics because they will get you everywhere. Since the holidays are approaching, I thought it would be fun to show you how I use my basics for special occasions. Whether you have company parties or family dinners, there is no need to go out and buy a new ensemble (something I have regrettably done in the past). Without further adieu, I present to you my dressing up your basics series, part two!

My jeans are actually a no-brand found at TJ Maxx for $16.99. I usually have a problem with jeans fitting properly, but these definitely did the trick with some nice stretch. I also always recommend plain, dark jeans for the dressed up look. In general, they look more formal than their lighter-colored counterparts and have more versatility.

My first look is playful layering.  I know there is a stigma about dresses over pants, but there are ways to make it work. This olive shirt is a discussion within itself, but I like the idea of adding different layers and dimensions so there is more to the look than just denim. (Oh, and feathers are always a plus!)

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 My second look is monochrome luxe. Of course I went with black for my color choice, but it works equally well with any other color. Just pick with one color and stick with it, including the jewelry, gloves, and shoes.



And lastly, shoes. A statement shoe can take any look from boring and blah to BAM. These are my favorites. In using a statement shoe to elevate your look, make sure the rest of your ensemble is simple and not overdone.


What’s your favorite way to dress up your jeans?

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