Fitness Tip That Encourages Lattes! (Non-fat, of course)

Jun 15
coffee workout prep

Today with have Ashia (pronouced Ah-she-Ah) from Clueless Fashionista to tell us a little bit about her workout preparations! Make her feel welcome because she’s such a sweetheart! Thank you, Ashia!

One of the main reasons I’ve used for not working out in the past is lack of energy. There are times when I have to drag on my sweatpants and tennis shoes. It takes a lot of mental fortitude to make that first jogging step or do that first warm-up stretch. A friend of mine mentioned drinking coffee before she worked out. She got the tip from seeing celebrities like Britney Spears carrying coffee cups on the way to the gym. Since she’s a smart lady who doesn’t recommend things lightly, I gave it a try.

The next time I went for a run, I enjoyed a cup of coffee right before. I couldn’t believe the effect! The caffeine along with the natural endorphins from running was an excellent boost and made my run much more enjoyable. It actually got me over that initial mile 1 hump quite nicely. So now it’s a part of my pre-workout routine.

Now, let’s not take this tip as an excuse to stop by a coffee shop for an extra large latte with whipped cream and sprinkles. It’s not. When you enjoy your pre-workout coffee, keep in mind that you’re using it as a workout boost so keep it simple. If you want to go for a latte, go for a small one with nonfat milk. If you don’t do lattes, go for a small or medium coffee with light cream and sugar. If you want to get fancy, toss in some sugar free syrup for extra sweetness without extra calories.

Don’t drink a meal’s worth of calories right before you workout, but do enjoy a hot cup off joe. You’ll be glad you did!

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