Titanic Love Story: Ida and Isidor Straus

Apr 15

I think we all know how much of a die-hard romantic I am.  Being a cancer and a daydreamer makes it a double whammy. When I found out about this bittersweet  story of a real couple on the Titanic, I knew I had to read it. (I know I usually write a commulative “books of the month” post, but I didn’t want to wait on this one.  It was just too special.)

I just want to state now, June Hall McCash did a wonderful job in writing this book.  It’s not sappy or idealistic. It gives the real account of how Ida and Isidor’s family’s migrated to the US, how they lived through the Civil War, and how they rose to the top in the business and political world. It’s a truly inspiring story of love, loss, and life.

I often have a difficult time reading historically focused books, but McCash was able to relate it in a way that seemed that it was happening rather recently.  She was able to even include inserts of letters written to family and friends.  One of my favorite parts was being able to read the personal notes in such proper English. It was really quite charming.

With all of the background and history of the couple, you grow to love and understand them, their motives, and their strong love for each other.  Often while Isidor was away on business, he would write his wife Ida daily. Even until their fateful end, the two stood by each other in every way. 

They were truly a great couple, one of great knowledge, wealth, and kindness.  Along with the other victims of the horrible tragedy 100 years ago, let’s remember them and how love is really ’til death do you part.


2 Comment to “Titanic Love Story: Ida and Isidor Straus”

  1. This really does sound good! I can’t wait til summer, when I will actually have some time to read for fun.

    Apr 15, 2012
    • Yeah, I’ve been reading like a maniac on the train. I can’t wait until school is over and I can read for real all the time!

      Apr 17, 2012

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